Thursday, June 29, 2006

Inflation sensation!

WASHINGTON — Federal Reserve policymakers raised their target for a key interest rate Thursday for the 17th time in two years and issued a statement that suggested to some that this could be the last move.
Fed officials unanimously voted to raise their target for short-term interest rates, which influence borrowing costs across the economy, a quarter percentage point to 5.25%, highest level in 5-1/2 years.

Along with this interest rate comes elevated energy prices, and massive gains in the DOW they gained 127 points this morning, and this has been happening for quite some time now. So the economy is pretty bitchin' right now... The thing is it's going to inflate itself too much which is what the Fed is worrying about right now. So we go back to the problem with you the people and inflation. That of course is the rising cost of good and the non-existent raise in your wages, which as we know is never going to happen.

Your going to be seeing alot of price jumps here and there as this inflation occurs, the problem is with those interest rates and those price jumps how can you afford anything? It's not as if your wages increase with the inflation, not to mention many of you probably have kids going off to college, and you thought you were going to be in debt before? So what the interest rate hikes and the price elevation is going to do is begin to eliminate the middle class. You're going to see an increase in unemployment, which leads to an increase in government assistance, then comes Mr. Taxman at your door.

In all honesty a little inflation is good as long as it keeps up with our money supply, but as you can see we do a horrible job at regulating money supply. Now what needs to be done is an elimination of minimum wage and an implementation of a "price negotiating" system. Worker's and their union can set up a contract with their employer that states they work X amount of hours for X amount per hour, with a X% raise over X amount of years. Each worker would have a different contract. But with that contract you could state that the wage increase be increminted with inflation.

We could also see some tax breaks for all business, and perhaps some reworking of the Free Trade acts. All of these things would benefit the worker's and keep the middle class stable while appeasing both the upper and lower classes by offering more choices for those particular classes. We are just in dire need of a federal policy revision, we've been taking the same measures to combat recession for years, and we haven't really ailed any of our energy dependancy. As a nation we shell out far more money then what we can generate in revenue that doesn't help the deficit and we just juggle inflation and shortage every five years or so.

So would you agree we need an abolishment of minimum wage and a new program to regulate worker's wages? We need a flat tax (income)? We need simutanious tax breaks for all businesses large and small? We need a new inflation policy that doesn't just flood the market with money? We need a small revenue increase every year or so only to combat inflation? We need regulated government spending?

Of course we do but tell Washington that.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

So proudly she waves, in a kerosene blaze!

"A proposed constitutional amendment to allow Congress to ban the desecration of the US flag has been narrowly defeated in the US Senate.
The 66-34 tally was just one vote short of the two-thirds majority needed"

Something tells me that at the next Republican caucus, someone is going to receive such a tongue lashing! Like I can seriously see Bill Frist giving the Republicans who voted in dissident a lecture about being a monogamous party, and that they are not invited to the next Christmas social. They also can totally forget about helping with the bake sel and will be missing out on Sen. Graham's famous brownies!

But seriously the Supreme Court ruled that flag burning is protected under the first amendment, and ever since that ruling conservative congressmen and women have had a hay- day trying to overturn that ruling. Personally I don't have a problem with those burning Old Glory, to me it's just a flag something to represent our country. To the conservative though this is of course a symbol of our nation's endeavour, a symbol of freedom and everything holy that we stand for. To the liberal it's $2.99, made in China and available at your local Wal-Mart en mass!

I mean I see both sides on this issue, I recognize that this is a form of protest and that it is an effective way to show your disdain for whatever U.S policy you may be against at this current time. I also see that it is a flag for which many men, women, and children have sacrificed their lives for in our past and possibly future. However, I do not see why all the ping-ponging that we have to deal with over these issues. We have far more engrossing matters which we should put our attention to but instead we try to overturn court decisions for something as petty as what we can do with a flag.

My view is this, election day is getting ever so closer, and the conservatives are trying to rally up the far-right and and Christian right with these bills. They try to make their opponent seem unpatriotic and instill national pride with their party, which is a good tactic because it works (it's evident by Republican victories) The liberals use this tactic against them by stating the Republican party is against your liberty, and they are no closer to winning Iraq than creating a stable economy. Which that works too because the 1984 panic sets in! (Have you ever noticed that anytime a government takes steps in a manner that protects it's interests everone brings up George Orwell?)

So let these parties play ball, they just shoot themselves in the foot everytime they do this, I mean there is nothing these parties won't bring up to rally the troops or smear the other party through underhanded and usually cheap bill maneuvers...

You're now entering the spin-zone!

Monday, June 26, 2006

My personal view: abortion

I feel that it is in the best interest for society if we legalized abortion to give an option. Personally I feel that all ethical, moral, and or religious concerns or obligations should be made by the individual and not determined by any entity be it group, social structure, or government. By legalizing abortion we let the individual decide and we give them that choice to. By not legalizing abortion we take away freedom of choice, and is it not choice to what we as a democracy hold dear?

This should not be an issue of morality, nor a fight over legality; this instead should be determined by each individual person. If a young girl is pregnant and she wishes for an abortion and she is of a legal age to consent to the abortion who are we the rest of society to hammer down on this individual our personal beliefs? Should this choice be confined to her, her doctor, and her conscience? What right is it of me, you, or anyone else to condemn or praise this individual?

By legalizing abortion society is not going to grind to a halt, by not legalizing it however you are denying the fundamental basics of a democracy. Some people say it's taking a life, others say its giving the woman control over her life, either case it's the collective words of many speaking for the few that are in this scenario. Rarely do the collective groups identify the situation with theory of mind, but instead make decisions based on emotion and or personal opinion.

If the individual involved in the abortion proceedings feels that it is wrong, great! There are other options for that individual. If the individual feels abortion is required, great! That is the individual’s decision. We do not need the protests, nor the social backlash, and certainly not the opinions of people in society to which this decision has no effect over. To those of religious background does this individual jeopardize your religion? I think not! To use Christianity as an example, if this decision effects your religion in such a way why do you not protest, robbery, murder, adultery, and many more decisions that effect society far worse? Why not use that Endeavour you have at preventing abortion and focus this on issues that are far more impeding on a civilized society?

The question of abortion is never one that should be answered by a majority, but by an individual basis...

That is my opinion.

- James

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Scotland the Brave!

According to the Scottish National Party, they have recently been taking up arms against the new "Trident" nuclear weapon which would increase the United Kingdoms nuclear arsenal. One spokesman for the SNP said and I quote:

"If the London government is so keen to develop and extend Britain's nuclear capability, let them base their missiles on the Thames. The Clyde has been defiled long enough."

I agree with that Scotland even though being a territory in the United Kingdom, Scotland has gained over the years economic and political freedoms. With England wishing to build up arsenals on the shores of Scotland is not only an affront to the independance of Scotland but a assault to freedom everywhere within the United Kingdom. If the British parilament wishes to approve of this missile I have no quarrels that is the response of English citizens and their leadership. But forcing these decisions on Scotland and any other country in the isle is not only morally wrong but constitutionally unsound!

So the SNP is hoping to win some crucial seats in parliament to prevent the measure of the British Labour party and the current Scottish Labour Party which folds under the power of the British parliament. I hope that this situation would be beneficial for Scotland in keeping their independance while still keeping crucial ties with the British Government....

After all, shouldn't Scotland's fate be decided by the Scots? Not the Welsh, the Irish, and certainly not the British!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Libertarian economic flaw...

According to http:/// on their National Platform link underneath Economics, I read this:

"All restrictions upon the private minting of coins must be abolished, so that minting will be open to the competition of the free market."

Ok, do you people see the flaw in that? If the establishment and minting of currency is privatized and no longer under government regulation you might aswell just say counterfeiting is legalized. One industry could flood the market with trillions of faux coins and not one person could do a damn thing about it.

Now I agree with the strict Laissez-faire platform of our party, however I do not so whole heartedly agree that currency production should be made into a "competition" and anyone who believes it should be is not only naive but profoundly retarded. I guess there is no "perfect" stance for a party and for every good idea there has to be atleast three bad ones right? But seriously whoever thought that should be a good idea needs to be slapped in the face...

The things I do AGREE with:

Solutions: To ensure the economic freedom and enhance the economic well-being of Americans, we would implement the following policies:

a. Dramatic reductions in both taxes and government spending;

b. An end to deficit budgets;

c. A halt to inflationary monetary policies;

d. The elimination of all government impediments to free trade; and

e. The repeal of all controls on wages, prices, rents, profits, production and interest rates.

But then they gotta slip that currency thing in there to fuck the party stance up...

Friday, June 23, 2006

Keynesian, champion of people? Or plague of civilization?

If any of you knew me very well you'd know I'm a die hard capitalist, for those of you who don't know me we'll the blog is self explanatory. I recently had a very heated discussion with economical left people this of course are your Keynesians, Socialists, Communists, all around Big Government believers. AS a follower of the Austrian School of thought in economics I believe that less control by the state the better! After all I don't want to be told what I can or cannot buy, I have little choice on issues such as tax and no control as to where that tax money goes.

The worst out of all these groups has to be the Keynesians, they preach that their system of economics is the best implemented so far, based on historical evidence such as the socialization and the government's role in the allocation of funding (I.E Welfare, Social Security) I of course believe this lead to a dependency on our government to be this brilliant knight that comes in on a white stallion with bags of money to save us all. Which this only creates corruption, mediocrity, and stagflation. The principle of Keynesian economics is to control unemployment, to which they seek full employment; this of course leads to government regulation of industry and price floors/ceilings.

Now we do get high rates of employment I think we've had the highest employment rate in the last decade or so, the problem is this causes inflation. We therefore have too much money in circulation so the price of goods go up, this of course wouldn't be a problem if the supply of money slightly changed every year or so to increase with the inflation. That would be more of a Monetarists point of view to control our currency flow and letting the economy "fix" itself as the invisible hand would take over.

So Keynesian is sounding great right? Everyone has a job, the government is their to make a safety net for you when your down on your luck right? Now I point back at inflation, there is a theory set by Economist Milton Friedman, this of course is called the "Neutrality of money" the system works best when currency in circulation negates the effects of inflation. However, this doesn't work under Keynesian economics, because we are regulated so is our currency to what the employed get paid. this is of course your minimum wage.

The minimum wage however stays the same Congress hasn't changed it in quite sometime, the problem is set prices and price floors/ceilings rarely change with inflation. So if that food your wanting to buy increases in price let's say by 20% due to a supply shortage, you are not going to make any more money based on your wage laws. You'll still make that $5.15 an hour as prices climb, this leads to the recession going deeper and deeper... Now the government steps in with it's bags of money and hands it out in the form of socialized incomes (welfare primarily) "Cool now I can afford the food" Good for you except you'll suckle off the government until it runs dry so to speak.

So of course the only way for the government to get these funds is by a progressive tax, which is based on your income. The top portion of society pays a HUGE amount in taxes but all the programs go to help the bottom of the socio-economic spectrum. The higher part sees no benefits in its heavy taxes. This of course is wrong, the government should not play favorites with people in a country that we are all deemed equal. We could easily fix these systems the problem is we've had them so long that a good portion of our society is "addicted" to these social programs, therefore would be infuriated if we cut the proverbial "Umbilical Cord"

So why not a flat tax? Why not lower taxes for everyone and a deregulation of government influence in our economy? I'll tell you why it's because we've dug ourselves in a hole, we've become so needy of the government's influence we cannot think of what we'd do without them. Now without the minimum wage we'd get more employment, and wages would more than likely change with inflation. Prices would drop as the de-regulation would take away many taxes on goods and services increasing business profits which increase productivity...

What the Keynesians fear is of course another 1929 there is a way to prevent that without socializing everything and that is called "security" we should have currency to pump into the market as needed and retract as needed. The reason the stock market failed is because a failure of supply and corruption. Because of political corruption and peoples hands into the pockets of business the market wasn't free but held captive by illegal contracts between politicians and the corporate owners.

Laissez-Faire works great as long as we prevent the government’s corruption...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Vincennes Schedule

Total Credit Hours: 16.000

English Comp I (Word Process) - ENGL 101 018
Associated Term: Fall 2006
CRN: 12086
Status: Web Registered on Jun 21, 2006
Assigned Instructor: Debbie A. Reynolds
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Credits: 3.000
Level: Undergraduate
Campus: Vincennes
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Shircliff Humanities Center E133
Aug 21, 2006 - Dec 16, 2006
Combined Lec,Disc,Demo or Act
Debbie A. Reynolds (P)

French Level I - FREN 101 001
Associated Term: Fall 2006
CRN: 11958
Status: Web Registered on Jun 21, 2006
Assigned Instructor: Ursula H. Wuthrich
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Credits: 4.000
Level: Undergraduate
Campus: Vincennes
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
Shircliff Humanities Center D110A
Aug 21, 2006 - Dec 16, 2006
Combined Lec,Disc,Demo or Act
Ursula H. Wuthrich (P)

World Civilization I - HIST 235 001
Associated Term: Fall 2006
CRN: 12349
Status: Web Registered on Jun 21, 2006
Assigned Instructor: Kyle R. Ward
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Credits: 3.000
Level: Undergraduate
Campus: Vincennes
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Phillip M Summers Center 319
Aug 21, 2006 - Dec 16, 2006
Kyle R. Ward (P)

Beginning Algebra (Comp Aided) - MATH 012 007
Associated Term: Fall 2006
CRN: 14499
Status: Web Registered on Jun 21, 2006
Assigned Instructor: Debra M. Ross
Grade Mode: Developmental Course
Credits: 3.000
Level: Undergraduate
Campus: Vincennes
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm
Shake Learning Resource Center 140
Aug 21, 2006 - Dec 16, 2006
Debra M. Ross (P)

Speech - SPCH 143 016
Associated Term: Fall 2006
CRN: 12973
Status: Web Registered on Jun 21, 2006
Assigned Instructor: Stephen K. Whitaker
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Credits: 3.000
Level: Undergraduate
Campus: Vincennes
9:30 am - 10:45 am
Shircliff Humanities Center B108
Aug 21, 2006 - Dec 16, 2006
Combined Lec,Disc,Demo or Act
Stephen K. Whitaker (P)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

For whom the death tolls?

U.S.-Led Forces Kill 15 in Iraq Raids Jun 20, 09:32 AM EDTBy SAMEER N. YACOUB - Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- "U.S.-led forces killed 15 terror suspects and detained three others during raids Tuesday in a village northeast of Baghdad, the military said. Residents said 13 civilians also were killed."

The media throws out more numbers than a High School stats class! Seriously everyday I turn on the T.V and it's either "X soldiers killed!" or "We blew the shit out of so-and so and X amount of terrorists!" I mean yes I would like a update on the war, but I don't want to see number after number it does nothing productive for the war or against it, whichever view your trying to expel at the moment it just doesn't work. For one who the hell cares if you killed 15 terrorists today? Seriously I'm not crying nor am I masturbating at our awesome body count, I frankly have better things to do than party it out with my chums down at the National Guard over this issue.

You can kill 15 today, 40 tomorrow and none the next and that proves nothing other that you can kill because the enemy will always have more people to replace those that are fallen. Basically we are stuck in a game of checkers, we jump one they jump back... KING ME! We need to focus more on the peace process in Iraq, and how we can absolve the problems in the Middle East as a whole, not how many people the U.S Marines can blow away with their M-1 Carbine.

Now as for our side we have had 2,500 U.S military casualties and a good number of civilian deaths, not to mention two kidnapped U.S soldiers were found dead today so what does the media do? Chalk them up on their giant blackboard which they will keep up until Bill O'Reilley, Chris Matthews, Lou Dobbs, or whoever wants to do a talking points show to tear apart someone who is of a different political ideology than what the host is paid to be.

C'mon people what is so glorious and self satisfying about having a X amount of people dead? I watch every news station and all I see is people's egos grow as they continue to shovel self-satisfying bull shit down their naive user base. Since the invasion of Iraq this is ALL that I have been seeing lately, liberals crying over the death toll of our soldiers, conservatives having a circle jerk to the death of Al-Zarqawi, it's getting so petty and idiosyncratic, I'm beginning to only watch them just so I can laugh my ass off at their pseudo-intellectualism and arrogance.

This is an a example of what a TV interview is like on FOX News (I chose them because they are by far the most entertaining)

Bill: Welcome to the Conservative jerk-off-athon! I'm your dungeon master Bill O'Reilly!

Bill: Today on talking points we have brought some far leftist lunatic from some University in the middle of nowhere, so we can just argue about random bull shit for an hour!

Bill: Welcome to the show Mr. Liberal!

Liberal: Pleasure to be here Bill! (Fake ass smile)

Bill: Today in the news it said that our death toll has exceeded the 2,500 bench mark! I know this because it was put on my desk five minutes ago by my sexually arousing intern, how do you feel about this?

Liberal: Well, I for one thin--

Bill: Woah, hold it right there! You're telling me that you're hapy about this, I could say you're being unpatriotic!

Liberal: I'm not unpatriotic I'm saying that I jus---

Bill: Whatever, Mr. Liberal it appears to me that you don't care about the safety of America you're only out there to damage the reputation of the administration! (snorts a line of coke and slips a twenty in some girls panty line)

Liberal: But I jus---

Bill: Well, lets just agree to disagree that's all the time we have join us next week as I show you that I can shoot laser beams out of my eyes and shit gold!

Bill: This is Bill signing off!

*Switch Bill out for Anderson Cooper and replace Un-patriotic with Religious nut for the opposing faction*

Seriously that is all the news is anymore.., 50 something year old millionaires spouting self-satisfying bull shit and playing with numbers as they continue to brown nose any political faction that could give their ratings a boost...

Kind of sad really, how fucked up and devolved politics and our media have become to give way to douchebaggery and bias to make a few bucks...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Damn it Purdue!

I woke up this morning after pulling an all nighter, so of course I turned my lap top on, put my Shakira mix tape in my CD player and made myself a bitchin' cup of coffee. So I checked my e-mail as I always do (mostly to delete Viagra ads there's like a million of them!) So I scroll down and I see this an actual e-mail!

Subject: Advanced life Sciences exam
Date: Monday, June 19, 2006 10:27


Hello Dr. Latour,

All the exams are finally in, so the scoring can begin. Letters of pass/no pass will be mailed out this Friday, and I will have for you a complete list of who took the exams and their scores.

If you have any questions, you can call me here at the office or send me an e-mail. My ALS workshop is over so I will be here at the office all week.

Thank you,


Alexandria I. Huerta
Dept of Youth Development & Ag Education
615 W. State Street, Room 221
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053
Tele: (765) 496-3266
Fax: (765) 496-1152

So I'm like awesome the AP exams are done so I'll head up there to get my test scores early because I have to register for college before FRIDAY, and it would save soo much trouble if I just got them now and slipped Prof. Latour a 10 spot. So I arrive there by noon, and there is a State FFA meeting, I'm like "Cool Ernest is probably here!" I seen the LHS short bus but couldn't locate him but o'well I'll catch him later. Anyways I walk up to the Registrar Kiosk and show her my credentials and she cannot find my god damn transcript...

So I'm like no problem I'll just jog half way across the campus to the College of Agriculture and talk to the Youth Program Director/Undergraduate Liason. I get there and the secretary has no clue what I was talking about so she refered me to the guidance counselor which he gave me a list of names to hit up... So I went to look for these people, I try the first on the list he isn't in his office so some guy tried to call EVERYONE on campus to help me that took 50 minutes from my day Then I continue to go through the list and everybody is out on demonstration or just not there period.

So by this time two fucking hours elapsed and I'm getting a little agitated as it's a billion degrees outside and the AC is down in half these buildings. So after this ridiculous goose chase which got me no where it is now 5:30 and still nothing, the secretary was supposed to call me ASAP when the Dean returned from his lunch break, but still no word. So I wasted an entire day because some e-mail told me they were in but the people that were supposed to be GRADING them took a damn vacation, talking to college freshmen, or partying it up at this parade deal they had on the south end of campus.

In conclusion Purdue is horribly mismanaged, doesn't have adequete cooling systems and the secretaries are about as sharp as box of rocks. So I'm just going to sit back hope I didn't get sun burn and continue to curse as they are perhaps the dumbest adults I've ever met....


Seriously they wrote me an email over it and had NO FUCKING CLUE about the exam? Seriously WTF?


Fuck you Alex you were not in your damn office I came by like 9 damn times you were gone all fucking day!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Good friend Amy...

Over the past week or so I've been talking to alot of people I rarely talk to, I guess it is either because I have more free time to do so, or I'm just coming out of my shell as high school is over. Anyways I was talking to Amy O'Connell, I went to school with this girl for years we knew each other but never really talked per say outside of class room discussion. Since I'm a sociable person I love people, doesn't matter whom you are, where you came from, or what you do, I'll probably befriend you!

Well, as I was talking to Amy about casual things such as the "Senior Camp Out" and college plans, however I get stuck in this tangent about politics and how I'd do things differently, I tend to do that from time to time has to be the ADD you know? To say the least she isn't much of a talker but seemed like she wasn't bored or disinterested in my banter, which is both suprising and awesome in itself! Outside the YDC and town halls and my closest friends not many students or adults would be willing to listen to my mini-symposium I tend to create out of my discussions.

I mean it's great that we actually are talking a bit more than what we used to, she's a smart girl has alot of potential, not many in my graduating class show alot of intelligence and drive in their efforts so it's good to talk to talk to people who actually arn't obsessed with partying all the time. She's probably one of the few classmates I'm going to miss after this summer is over (I'm not naming names because that will just start arguments) Anyways I like Amy, and we should get together to go do something before summers over. I'm kinda feeling a little guilt ridden as well, as I promised to show up at her open house and I couldn't make it I'm not one to break committments so I'm going to find a way to make it up to her somehow.

We'll she also is attending Roosevelt University in downtown Chicago, personally I don't like Chicago just something about it that annoys the crap out of me but alot of history is there in that city. The place of the Chicago fires, prohibition, the begginings of the Atom Bomb, and many more exciting tidbits of chronology! I might this fall go visit her or something while stopping to visit other friends along the way, you know trying to keep in touch see how they're doing those sort of things. Basically my Freshman year at VU is going to be ALOT of freetime thanks to AP testing and online courses, so I got to find a way to keep my mind from melting into boredom!

We'll it's like 1:10 in the morning so I'm going to call it a night and head out to Purdue in the morning to pick up those damned transcripts from their Animal Science and Plant Science depts. I need those things by Tuesday! So I'm hoping they are done or I might have to go postal on someone!

Up and atom...atom plant!

Some of you may or may not be aware that the United States is in the process of re-building its nuclear arsenal, as our current nuclear weapons are how can I say are not the Energizer Bunny. So of course by 2020 we should have a brand new arsenal of deterrents and as for our old ones, I don't know let's make playground equipment out of them or something? I mean the Trident -II would make an awesome slide! We'll even make a kiddy play called the "Nukes of Hazard" which Tom and Luke run from the AEC and the evil Boss Hog!

But in all seriousness, I have no complaints about building up our arsenal or replacing out-dated technology as this is a dangerous and industrious world and you never know when you might need them, it'd be a shame if we were caught in the closet with our pants around our ankles now wouldn't it? One thing that kind of seems off to me is we have no problem building up our arsenal and disposing of half depleted uranium in some random desert, yet we have yet to build a new reactor since the 1979 Three Mile Island incident.

Even though the accident did minimal damage we still have this panic of a nuclear apocalypse off the Jersey shoreline embedded in the minds of every American alive during those times. The ridiculous thing about that fear is it was 1979 hell, we held heavy machinery together with duct tape, because quantity was better than quality during that time period. Now in 2006 (I hope) we have developed our technology and our common sense far enough to realize the faults and try our damned hardest not to repeat them.

Of course we hit our second obstacle, the all so famous "Terrorists could..." yeah they could do a lot of things so can I so can you, does that mean it's a certainty it WILL happen? No. It's just means you have to be a bit quicker than they do, maybe I don't know hire that extra security guard for third shift? Besides that if I were a terrorist I probably want the most efficient and least risky way of causing economical/political/collateral damage to my enemies, so this means I'd get my Uranium from some third world nation instead of breaking into Los Alamos or the AEC to quench my radioactive lust!

Both of those scenarios can easily be prevented with a little ingenuity, and maybe a little more intelligence from those in command? Now I know that a nuclear energy is a high investment, that aside think of the benefits, a cheap, abundant, and clean energy source that can be reused if we could refine the left over cesium some how? Not to mention the nuclear energy could create THOUSANDS of jobs from people who mine it, to those who utilize it, and those who oversee it. This would also stimulate international trade as Russia and countries in that region are the largest suppliers of pitchblende which contains the U-238 isotope required for enrichment.

Overall nuclear energy is good for the economy, good for business, and good for the environment, to deny its benefits based on fear alone is not only insane but profoundly retarded. You'd rather let things pass you by as you hold your damn head in the corner going "Mommy make the bad stuff go away!" I thought we were men not mice, pick yourself off the floors and go discover, create, and take risks...

After all man has never done anything great by sitting and thinking, he has done great things by taking some initiative.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Bernanke and The Fed

It appears that our economy is slowly crawling out of the hole that we have been digging for ourselves over the past 5 years... Although we have not taken any real steps toward easing the tension of our fuel economy, I have high hopes that in the next six months some progress will be made within that area of our economy. Speaking of economy and government it appears Bernanke is wanting to raise interest rates, which I don't see as a bad thing, but could have some detrimental effects on heavy debtors and the lower-middle class.

Overall I think Bernanke is doing, a tremendous job! I don't blame him for anything that is wrong with economy at the moment as he came in at a crucial time, afterall we're fighting a war with record defecit, we are slowly pulling out of a recession and government revenue is on the decline as they continue to throw money at every problem they ever face! Although I'm more of a classical liberal in terms of economics *cough Libertarian* I can't help but feel empathy for those stuck in this tidal wave of politics. with everything now being politicized are the head hogs in Washington even doing anything to benefit the common man?

Hopefully Bernanke and the others in Washington pull their heads out of the sand and do something about Congress's reckless spending, and the Fed's inability to properly balance the economy. I'd hate to think of the effects if we continue down this road of decadence