Sunday, September 03, 2006


Religion as a whole is something that Immanuel Kant would be delighted to talk about, in modern society though it's a hot button that we try to avoid. Granted I am a relativly neutral being, but still I do have some belief system, to which I'd rather not devolge here. In terms of the three main religions in our world Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, we see grand similarities until a seperating point and that point is the "messiah" I'm not going to lecture you over what or who the messiah is, as this is mostly universal, and it would only serve as a redundancy to post this here. Now I've been reading the Qur'an lately and have been studying mythology for quite sometime, my views on religion as a whole is still rather grey.

For example we cannot physically prove or disprove the existence of any diety, or any sets of religious texts as they are all a leap of faith. Since we do have this faith and it is usually a strong one depending on the individual we see an adherance to this faith. Not that it is a bad thing but for the most part closes the mind of the individual, making it harder for them to truly see what religion truly is, and that is inspiration. All religions teach the same goals, the same principles for humanity, we relate this as the golden rule, each religion has similar stories (I.E The myth of the Deluge) so what makes religion hostile towards each other and itself?

I believe it's a factor of the unknown, because we cannot prove or disprove religion we have conflicting opinions instead of fact, this breeds of course hostility as arguments flare up. But all these people fail to realize that they are indeed similar! Muslims are no different than Christians, Jews no different than Buddhists, it's just what they bleieve to be their "saviour" and the stories that follow that saviour which leads to this hostility.

I believe God is universal as he is presented to be in all religious texts, this driving force would be the father/mother/figure of all creation and therefore all religions would be it's creation. There is no right religion just as their is no wrong, there is only the faith and the trust you put into the religion you follow, and how you deem to praise God. Really it's simple but as it's once been said "simple things are usually simply over shadowed by complications"

So follow your faiths and adhere to their code, and remember the only thing that seperates you from your neighbor is simply an ideology which can be over looked so stretch out that hand of friendship and embrace!


Blogger k. edward warmoth said...

Ah, good agnostic view point.

12:53 PM  
Blogger DeathByKaraoke said...

Excepting there is no "God" in Buddhism.

2:35 PM  
Blogger Caitlin said...

JIMMY NEASE!!!!!!! i like your blog, but all of the religions have a form of God in some in my opinion, we are all worshiping the same person just in different ways

10:42 AM  

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