Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sexx laws (I don't mean Beck!)

Personally all laws regarding sex and marriage are absolute bullshit minus a ban on pedophila which is wrong to the child in the first place and not a issue of sexual freedom as much as abuse. Now we prohibit gay marriage, which liberals are in arms over this issue as they feel it should be about "love" or some ridiculous notion like that.

What I say to these liberals is STOP BEING A PUSSY! For one gay marriage should be legalized, I also think polygamy should be legalized, incest should be legalized aswell and if a man or woman wants to fuck an animal so be it. Actually as long as people are consenting why should we stop them? I'm also in favour of lowering the consent age to have sex, wake up and smell the coffee 16 should be the age limit all around, because about time your 16 you've been laid more times than I can count on my hands!

Want to masturbate in a movie theatre? Go ahead! Unless the theatre has some private policy against it (no pun intended) I see no harm in this. Infact if you want to fuck in the park on top of the picnic tables go right ahead, why should you deny something natural and primal? Morality seeks to ban these practices absed on Judeo-Christian ethics, despite EVERY Jew and Christian has sex, and probably has a kinky fetish like BDSM or something like that.

The fact is as long as they are consenting and there is no physical harm to anyone else there should be no laws against this. In my opinion liberals won't back this because like I said they are pussies and rather play around than actually progress society out of 1960's ethics.


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