Wednesday, June 28, 2006

So proudly she waves, in a kerosene blaze!

"A proposed constitutional amendment to allow Congress to ban the desecration of the US flag has been narrowly defeated in the US Senate.
The 66-34 tally was just one vote short of the two-thirds majority needed"

Something tells me that at the next Republican caucus, someone is going to receive such a tongue lashing! Like I can seriously see Bill Frist giving the Republicans who voted in dissident a lecture about being a monogamous party, and that they are not invited to the next Christmas social. They also can totally forget about helping with the bake sel and will be missing out on Sen. Graham's famous brownies!

But seriously the Supreme Court ruled that flag burning is protected under the first amendment, and ever since that ruling conservative congressmen and women have had a hay- day trying to overturn that ruling. Personally I don't have a problem with those burning Old Glory, to me it's just a flag something to represent our country. To the conservative though this is of course a symbol of our nation's endeavour, a symbol of freedom and everything holy that we stand for. To the liberal it's $2.99, made in China and available at your local Wal-Mart en mass!

I mean I see both sides on this issue, I recognize that this is a form of protest and that it is an effective way to show your disdain for whatever U.S policy you may be against at this current time. I also see that it is a flag for which many men, women, and children have sacrificed their lives for in our past and possibly future. However, I do not see why all the ping-ponging that we have to deal with over these issues. We have far more engrossing matters which we should put our attention to but instead we try to overturn court decisions for something as petty as what we can do with a flag.

My view is this, election day is getting ever so closer, and the conservatives are trying to rally up the far-right and and Christian right with these bills. They try to make their opponent seem unpatriotic and instill national pride with their party, which is a good tactic because it works (it's evident by Republican victories) The liberals use this tactic against them by stating the Republican party is against your liberty, and they are no closer to winning Iraq than creating a stable economy. Which that works too because the 1984 panic sets in! (Have you ever noticed that anytime a government takes steps in a manner that protects it's interests everone brings up George Orwell?)

So let these parties play ball, they just shoot themselves in the foot everytime they do this, I mean there is nothing these parties won't bring up to rally the troops or smear the other party through underhanded and usually cheap bill maneuvers...

You're now entering the spin-zone!


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