I hate free radicals, and by "free radical" I'm not refering to mathematics, although I hate mathematics just as much! What I refer to is people who follow an extreme in terms of economical or political ideology(because they're not in jail hence free get it?). Rarely are they ever in majority, and they seem to be composed of people who come from a ironic yet similar background.
In the United States we are fortunate enough to have the freedom to share ideas in manners deemed appropriate (that doesn't mean you can run around naked pissing on things and claim it's free speech!) Freedom of thought has a price, it breeds whiners, morons, and lunatics.
Let's take the far left for our first example, the great social equalizers champions of the poor and down trodden! These are your Socialists, Communists, Unionists, and mutalists. The funny thing is if you attended any socialist meeting you'd realize they are all upper middle class and their's not many of them there! Now go to the homeless shelter where you have poor people, the sole thing these people look for is a future of prosperity which is usually attained in a capitalist way.
So why is it that for the most part middle class, people from suburbia support socialist ideals? My opinion is it makes them look important or some garbage like that, gives them something to talk about in all reality... "Hey I'm a socialist! Man Marx knew what he was talking about!"
The sad thing is this is probably a 14 year old student from a suburban class family that read the manifesto and didn't understand a lick of it, which is evident by the gross mispronounciation of "bourgeoise" The problem with Socialists in America is the fact that they fight for something that ONLY socialists want! For the most part America from all walks of life would prefer the system we currently have (given improvements to that system)
So I'm safe to say your Socialist, is pretty much an elitest prick, usually by the means of pseudo-intellectualism, and quasi-arguments, that are over generalized and naive!
Now it wouldn't be fair if singled out the far left let's go for the far right, this is usually composed of elderly, self-righteous assholes, who tend to view society as morally corrupt even though society would beg to differ. This would compose your Christian Right, Conservative Republicans, and Bill Donahue groupies.
The problem with these people is they hold holy doctrine and pre-1960 traditions above all else. Despite the nuclear Family hasn't existed since the 1950's and communism for the most part is dead, they still have that panic about leftists of any extreme. They still objectify everything, and everyone. If they had their way we'd all be forced to read the bible or receive a lashing at the post!
So what makes these people think so adamantly against progression of society? I think it's fear, since they are generally older and god fearing folk, and change would upset them! My Grandmother has a panic when we change her furniture around, now imagine that in terms of the nation to a Neo-Con. They'd be shitting bricks and exorcizing their office!
It's kind of funny to listen to them banter actually, they usually rant about homosexuality, stem cells, and abortion, non of those things directly effect them, unless your Cheney and your daughter is a lesbian which would make a awkward Thanksgiving in my opinion.
So they rail on and on, forgetting much more dire issues like the economy, and wars, and try to change the way Joe and Pete behave together...
What a backwards and self-centered group of folks! It kind of makes me glad I'm a Libertrian Centrist so I wouldn't be a cookie cutter of a person like soo many of these people:
Socialist: Usually a young middle class adult, who lived a rather well to do life, needed to find a meaning for his/her existence so read alot of books and spouts off pseudo-intellectual grabage, and always thinks miliant and radical view points can change the world for the better (Ahem! Hitler)
Defining Statement: "Wouldn't you agree that the class struggle between the bourgeoise, and proletariat, is of a lugubrious nature that one classes self interest is iconoclastic to the national integrity as a whole"
Political enemies: Anyone who does things in self-interest (which is ironic)
Political friends: Other young adults with radical views, any Senator with "Fein" in his or her last name. Mumia, for some reason?
Habitat: Usually Universities to where they argue with the Microeconomics teacher over worker's management, get's satisfcation from spouting off generalized quasi-statements on political forums to self-satisfaction
Neo-Con: Usually an elderly person with strong religious beliefs, that tends to be intolerant of any opinion that does not agree with his/her opinion. Truly a Narcissist in the definition, as doesn't think of other people only ones values, traditions, and moral backbone.
Defining Statement: "Damn Liberals are out to destroy our culture, they have no respect for authority, and don't support anything worthwhile to the public! They'd rather say "Allah bless America" Than "God Bless" god damned commies!"
Political enemies: Anyone who doesn't read the bible twice a day!
Political friends: Usually Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilley and other pompous pricks
Habitat: Usually town meetings and social functions, they tend to satisfy their need of attention by starting radio talk shows to shout off the ailments of America, usually with alot of cursing.
You can spot these individuals within your own community if you listen to them talk or just log on to a Yahoo! chatroom if you don't leave the house often.
There are ways to defeat them but for the most part they are too stubbourn and will just get pissy, then start the barrage of Anti-(politician of choice) statements which is ususally a sign of defeat!
*They also tend to wiki most information so beware! They may seem intelligent, but that's because they have the internet on their side!*